Monday, October 4, 2010


Tonight I am saying goodbye to another one of my buddies. I love my dogs, I adopt them & bring them into my home & consider them as part of our family. I don't think that anyone should ever bring a dog into their home unless they are totally committed to caring for them for the rest of their lives. Chico was the most adorable little ball of fluff when we (oops! I mean I) brought him home. Greg was never happy when I brought another dog home, but quickly got attached to this little fluffy ball of fire!! He loved to take all of the toys out of the basket that I kept them in & then proceed to take a nap---that's why we called him "Chico in a Basket!" We almost lost him when he was about 6 months old--he got really sick & couldn't keep food or water down. After a week of tests, Dr. JV Bollar finally gave in to our pleas to save our little dog & decided to perform surgery on our little guy to remove a kidney that was not working. I think he thought we were crazy to continue to try to save a dying dog, but he did it anyway. Chico survived!! His little body had started to shut down before his surgery--Doc Bollar had a really hard time trying to even find a vein to put the IV in. He had to cut off half of Chico's tongue because it had turned black since his whole body had started shutting down. Chico survived the surgery, much to Doc Bollars surprise. I think that this happened 2 days before the city elections (I'm a clerk at the elections). We had to get permission through the city & the state so that I could bring him into the election poll so that I could make sure that he got food & water during his early recovery. Chico has been with us ever since--annoying us, entertaining us, loving us--that's what it's all about--"We'll love you for always, we"ll love you forever, as long as we're living our Chico you'll be".

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Idaho Spring

I'm sitting here staring out the window watching one of those awesome spring snowstorms that make us all who live in southeastern Idaho say "WHY DO I LIVE HERE?!!" (Yes, I know! I'm blogging, too! I am a female & can multitask!) Anywayyy, we have probably had a total of at least 14" of snow fall within the last 24 hours. Some of it has melted since the temperature rose above freezing during the middle part of the day, but there is still a lot on the ground & it's piling up again. I keep thinking how excited Bob would be! He'd be bouncing off the walls & so impatient for the snow to stop so that he could go out & mark up some 'virgin' hills & mountains! I can imagine him trying to decide which of his playgrounds he would want to go to first & who he would call to come & share the fun! He'd probably be figuring that he wanted to 'mark up' the areas that he knew that the working crowd wouldn't be able to hit until the weekend & then hit the 'expert' areas on the days following. I miss Bob. I think of him every day & remember the fun & exciting times that we all shared together.